University ERP Software

Iterate has developed a software application which can computerize certain major functions of a University. It helps computerize the records to the students registered with the university as well as maintain and manage the administrative data. The software has been developed in VB and works on Oracle database.


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University ERP Software


Student Admission and Management


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Warehouse Store Inventory


Iterate has developed a software application which can computerize certain major functions of a University. It helps computerize the records to the students registered with the university as well as maintain and manage the administrative data. The software has been developed in ASP.NET and works on MS SQL database. The Application has 25 modules which are briefly described in the details section below. These modules are fully functional and can be customised as per your need and requirements.

Information regarding student enrolments, examination schedule, evaluation status, financial statistics, affiliated colleges, infrastructure of colleges/university, student strength, vendors, university inventory, qualified teachers for evaluation etc. can be retrieved quickly as the software incorporates code optimisation and well designed back-end. Employees of various departments can store, retrieve and share information through this integrated and highly reliable ERP software.


UniERP software helps computerize various departments of the University. It is developed in ASP.Net using MS SQL as backend for database. The major functions of the University comprise of Academics (for Post graduate Doctorate degree), Affiliation (for college registration and affiliation with the University), Examination (to process the examination results), Financial Accounting (to computerize the accounts including the payments to be made by computer printed cheques and computer generated payment receipts for payments being received by the University), store inventory (for bringing online the consumable and non-consumables) of the university and, payroll HR functions to bring the HR records online as well as generate the payslip of the University employees. Other than these major modules there are other modules which helps in maintaining Student’s training and placements, Hostels, Feedback, Grievances and Alumni operations. It also has Student and Employees portals and mobile applications to perform various tasks online.

Modular concept is used in UniERP i.e. all modules of the UniERP can work independently or they can be used in an integrated manner. Masters are common to all modules i.e. have one entry/management point of information in masters. Master related help shall be available in transactions. Master related checks and validations will be available in transactions of even the interrelated modules. It is windows based package for local area networking. The modules available in UniErp are stated below.

Financial Accounting Software Module

Financial Accounts module helps computerize the Financial Accounts at the University through providing maintenance of cash book, bill book and payment register of the University. The entries in the software are made under Single Entry System. Hence the Trail Balance is based on single entry made. Budgets can be created and expenditure against them can be monitored through this system. Different type of payments and bills can be maintained through different registers. For eg, payment on account of central evaluation and TA/DA bills, can be maintained through 2 different registers in this system.
Budget module can be used for entering yearly budget figures for different budget codes/ accounts. Each Budget account should be mapped with their respective GL (General Ledger) account. The budget figures shall be used to generate the variance report. Ideally the budget should be entered for whole year in the beginning of the year.
  • Login Screen Bills (Bill Entry)
  • Advance Adjustment
  • Budget Master – Entry of Budget
  • Login Screen Receipt (Receipt Entry)
  • Login Screen Payment (Payment Preparation)
  • TDS, GST and other Deductions (TWF/EWF etc) payments
  • Bank Transfer
  • Void Cheque Number Entry (Entry of unusable cheques)

Central Store Inventory Management Module

Stores and Inventory Management module will help computerize the store of the university. Inventory of Central as well as Departmental stores can be maintained through this system. Provision to issue purchase orders to vendors and keep track of the delivery and timely supply is available in this module. Stock can be maintained for consumable and non-consumable both.
Following input screens are available
  • Indent Entry by Different Department / Section
  • Indent Receipt by Central Stores
  • Indent Compilation
  • Entry of Purchase Order given to vendor
  • Entry of Material Received from vendor (MRN)
  • Entry of MRN Return
  • Entry of Material Issued to Department
  • Entry of Material Receipt from Department
  • Stock Ledger Generation
  • Stock Summary Generation
  • Entry of Stock Adjustment
  • GST Invoice

Academic Module (Research)

Academic module is for Research Degree courses like Ph.D /D. Litt / D.Sc. offered by University. This module helps in registration process of students for research degree courses in the university. In case the student has already enrolled in the university in the earlier courses, then their academic details of Graduation and Post Graduation is made available based on their earlier enrollment number, if available in the software. At the time of installation of the software, details for existing students will have to be entered into the software. The eligibility of the student will be validated and once he/she is eligible as per norms of university.
Following input screens are available:
  • Formation of Research Degree Committee (RDC)
  • Registration of Candidate applying for Research Degree
  • Selection of Member for Examination Panel.
  • Letter to Examiner for Consent
  • Thesis submission by candidate
  • Thesis Evaluation and Progress Monitoring
  • Thesis Approval by Examination Committee
  • Generation of Provisional Certificates

Admission Module

Through this module, student’s data can be captured in the system right from the time of the admission and enrolment of the student till the final semester of the student. Entire data of the student for the5years can be managed through this module.
This software would prove to be an effective tool as it incorporates all the various activities of admission and examination process of the University. It maintains all the official documents by keeping in mind the accuracy, reliability, security and confidentiality of the information.
Information regarding student admission, allotment of enrolment number, allotment of section, print desk slip, examination schedule, evaluation status and student strength etc. can be retrieved quickly as the software incorporates code optimization and well-designed back-end.
It provides computerization of result preparation on semester basis for the student enrolled with the University. Student’s marks can be entered by the teacher through online and based on the marks entered mark sheet and tabulation chart can be prepared.

Examination Management System

Examination module is for effective management of examination process of regular as well as private candidates. After papers are evaluated, marks for candidates are to be entered into the system. Result is generated based on the marks entered. Mark sheets may be printed through this system. Data for first year students can be retained and used for their subsequent years. The Examination module is divided into – Pre-Examination Part and Post Examination Part.
In Pre-Examination, option is provided to capture the UG / PG detail of student. In case of admission list being sent by colleges to the university, option is provided to enter / upload student data received from college by the university, As per this list university issues the examination forms to colleges. Number of seats per course per college is pre-determined which will be in the seat allocation master. When colleges submit the admission list to the university, system will perform certain validation on data to check for data correctness based on prefixed validations in the examination module software. Once data is final, roll number is generated for the candidates. Option is provided for Question Paper Date Time Schedule Setting.
In the Post Examination, option is provided to enter marks / upload marks. After exam is conducted, marks of students can be entered into the system, along with UFM and absent details. Post entry the tabulation register can be generated for results.
Following Input screens are available
  • Admission List entry / upload
  • Examination List entry / upload
  • Roll number generation
  • Question Paper Date & Time Schedule entry
  • Marks Update entry / Marks upload
  • Result Generation & Tabulation Chart printing
  • Generate Data discrepancy
  • Tabulation Chart correction

Student Portal

This portal is for use of students. This module is seemlessly intigrated with other module like Admission, Examination, Grievance, Training and placement, Feedback, Student Activity, hostel etc. Students can submit the application for admission for first year and subsequent years, enter their grievance, register for placement, provide institute feedback, register for various activities by university. They can also see their profile, their academic profile, view timetable and download admit card for examination.

Grievance Redressal Portal

Grievance redress mechanism is an essential part of the any administration of an organisation. It has established an efficient and effective grievance redress mechanism in the university . Student / faculty can raise and view the status of their posted grievances by using their login in respective portal. The grievances of student / faculty can be addressed by the University.

Time Table Management

This module has been designed to meet the management of Time Table in the campus. It has features for creating time table for all courses and semesters. User can define the time slots for theory, practial and for other activities. Users can also define the rooms and assign teachers to time slots for course,semester and subjects. User can see the time tables for a course/subject and faculty.

Faculty / Staff Portal (People)

Faculty / Staff portal helps employees to view and submit their information online. Staff can view their profile online and do various activities related to Leave, Attendance and Grievances. Faculties can view student profile, student marks / results, their timetable, mentorship feedback, examination scheedule and submit marks if working as a evaluator.

Leave Management System

Leave Management System is designed to maintain leave records for employees. Users can defined different type of leave and enter leave opening balance for the employees. Leave approval route can be defined for all the employees. Employees can apply for leaves and see their leave application status. Authorised users can approve / forward the leaves of employee. Leave card and related reports are available to view.

Attendance Monitoring System

Attendance Management System allows authorized users to define the Attendance for the employees; It helps to monitoring the Attendance of employees, their on duty status, creation of attendance sheet and posting of attendance for salary.

HR and Payroll Management Module

Payroll and Human Resource module is to computerize the data of university employees, keep track of their profile and generate salary in addition to maintenance of their salary and leave records. Salary would be computed based on the basic pay of employee. Every month the leave details of every employee will have to be entered onto the system. Based on leaves entered, basic pay in master and calculation criteria, salary will be generated for all employees. Loan status will be available based on loans given and repaid. PF and ESI deduction will be made based on basic earned and deduction percentage in PF master. Income Tax and other deductions to be deducted will have to be entered into the system. This could be entered every month as well as at yearend. However separate PF, ESI, Income Tax, TDS, Gratuity and any other type of earning and deduction package will have to be used for detailed working on these areas. It will not be available as part of this software.
Following input screens are available
  • Salary Formulae Definition
  • Leave Maintenance
  • Monthly Salary Generation for regular and fixed pay staff
  • Arrear Formulae Definition & Generation
  • Pay Scale Revision
  • Loan & Advance disbursal amount entry
  • Loan & Advance deduction Entry
  • Entry of Employee data into Employee Service Book
  • Employee leave record entry
  • Suspended Employee Master Entry

Document Management System

It is a web based electronic solution that helps organization to simplify their document management process. It improves the process of document administration using the edge of operating system file system concept. It is a tool for securely organizing files into folders server.

Pension Management

Pension Management software module will assist the University capture details of pensioners who are ex-employees of the college and generate their monthly pension bill. User can also capture medical reimbursement amounts to be paid to pensioners. Pension module will be linked to Financial Accounting module of UniERP and pension/ medical bill generated in Pension module can be posted into Accounts Module. Details of an employee can be transferred from HR Payroll module of UniERP into Pension module upon retirement of the employee.

Hostel / Hall Management Module

Hostel Management helps University users to manage hostel related activities. This modules stores all information about all the hostels, mess, Incharge, rooms and students. This modules helps in managing room allotment, Mess billing and visitor information. It helps students to make the requests for Room Shifting, Guest Room Booking, Request for Gate Pass, Meal Change, Additional Foods etc online through student portal. It also enables students billing like Room Charge Billing, Meal Charge Billing, Fine Billing, Laundry Charge Billing, Additional Food Charge Billing etc.

Guest House & Common Facility Management System - Estate Management

Guest House Management deals with the running of Guest House. This consists of all daily activity and supervision of staff. It allows authorised users to manage Guest related activities of booking, check in, checkout, billing etc. It will include supply of food to guest and billing of food consumed by Guest. It will also help to manage staff attendance.

Alumni Management including Student Activity (Society, Clubs, Chapters, etc)

Alumni Management allows authorised users to manage alumni or former student of university or college related activities. The purpose of Alumni Management System is maintaining the interaction with or between alumni. AMS is used to maintain data of Alumni and to provide a platform where Alumni can see the progress of an institution. In this application user can do the alumni registration request approval, event creation, event approval, sending event invitations, posting news, posting job, upload photos etc.

Student Activity Module

This module has been designed to meet the management of student activities performed in the campus or outside campus. It has features for creating events, event activities and activity milestones. Student Registration along with monitoring of activities during predefined milestones will be available. Events will be monitored from starting of event till closure.

Institute Industry Interaction Cell

Institute Industry Interaction Cell Module will enable universities to stay in touch with their Stakeholders and Industry. The function of the Cell is to promote closer interaction between Institute and Industrial experts. This software will help institute to coordinate their activity with Industry.This module automate functions and procedures involving research and training programs conducted by the University and industry in collaboration.

Training Internship and Placement Module

This module helps in managing students Internship, training and placement requirements. Users can enter placement company registrations, job profiles and register students for placements and enter student interview results. Students can apply for jobs through student portal and attend interviews and give feedback related to companies.

File & Letter Tracking System

It is a web based electronic solution that helps organization to simplify their file and letter tracking process. It enables scanning, storage, sharing and tracking a file and letter within the organization electronically. It also helps to monitor the pendency of receipts and files and assist in their easy tracking. It consists with features right from digitization of receipts/files, updating its status, opening of new files, tracking the movement of the files, dispatch of letters/files and finally records management.

Feedback System (All Stakeholders)

Feedback System enables universities to stay in touch with their Stakeholders. Feedback form is a way in which faculty/student/party feedback is obtained. Feedback forms help in improving services. It is considered one of the most efficient and economical methods of understanding the concern and measuring their satisfaction.

Website CMS

This website can be hosted by the institute. It has information regarding the institute, courses offered by them and faculties available with them. Course and faculty data is intigrated with the Course Master and Employee Master of University ERP. It has links for Student portal, Alumni portal and training and placement portal. Being a CMS website, content of this website can be managed by the admin of the university.

Mobile Application

Mobile application is available for students and employee for activities mentioned in the Student portal and Faculty/staff portal.

Reports (MIS)

This module helps to see the MIS reports for all the modules of University ERP. Various filters are available in each report and user view the summarized data on user selected columns.

Special Features/Advantages

(IPR of Iterate India Private Limited)

On-Premise Hosting


Product Support

Iterate provides Support on this product through:-

(All Support during office working day and office timing of Iterate.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Licensing or hosting one time or recurring annual?

Answer: One time purchase and annual hosting.

Feature upgrade will be provided or not?

Answer: Yes, provided the product is under AMC.

Whether product can be customized?

Answer: Customization is not applicable. However it may be considered case to case basis.

Can it be hosted on cloud?

Answer: Yes.

Can it be hosted on Linux?

Answer: No, It can be hosted only on windows server. It can be run from only client OS.

Will you provide the application training?

Answer: Yes, training will be provided at the time of installation. We will also provide group trainings for new staff.

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