Instant Feedback Online Card
IFC software is designed by Iterate for organizations that need to have a feedback from their clients. This feedback is instant because it helps take the customer feedback on the computer system and is instantly considered for analysis and is available to the management immediately for review.
AutoControl Service
Club Management System
Dealer Management System
Instant Feedback Online Card
SMS Engine
Short Message Service Engine
Sales and Service of Heavy & Light Equipment
Vehicle Tracking
University ERP Software
Student Admission and Management
Real Estate Business Management Software
Warehouse Store Inventory
IFC is a Web based software and can be implemented on a computer system which is connected to organization’s network server over a secured internet from a different location.
It should help the organization in increasing productivity and provide better service to your customer thereby increasing customer loyalty. The IFC software package offers a complete management on analyzing customer feedback based on the questions given in the Instant Feedback Card screen.
IFC is an Online Instant Feedback Card System and an easy-to-use response system that obtains immediate feedback from customers on the questionnaire preset by the company. This system works on a Touch Screen Monitor, using which customer can enter their response to the preset questions.
Instant Feedback Card Software system –
IFC is for managing the customer feedback which is received at the organization. The feedback can be for a sale or aftersales activity. It can be taken from customer who have purchased any item or have got any item serviced from the organization. It can also be taken by an organization which has multiple outlets.
At each outlet a Kiosk for feedback may be set up and connected with the organizations server through secured internet. Once the customer gives the feedback on the Kiosk, the same will be instantly available at the main office of the organization which has access to the server.
Based on the implementation of an SMS Engine
at the organization, a thank you SMS can be sent to the customer who has entered their feedback in the kiosk.
If the customer has expressed some type of a dis-satisfaction in the feedback, a SMS can be generated to the account lead of the customer so that they may immediately contact the customer and address their concern.
IFC also provides for monitoring through analysis of certain activity/ operations that is carried out during sales or aftersales. The questions in the feedback questionnaire can be designed in a way to get the desired analysis. It can also help in check for repeat performance on aftersales. The Feedback from the customer can be directly related to the particular document vide which the sales or service transaction was provided. It will help is precise mapping of the feedback. MIS Reports available in the IFC Software help monitor the efficiency of Sales Consultants in sales department and of Service Advisors in aftersales department.
IFC has been developed by Iterate using ASP.Net and it is supported on MS SQL database as back end. The system provides for capturing of customer feedback on screen, questions for which can be set by the user. The questions set will be uniform for feedbacks from all customers. Basis the feedback entered MIS and reports can be generated.
The modules available in IFC are as follows:
- Questionnaire Form
- Feedback Form
- Upload Data
- Send Feedback Link
- Feedback Entry
- Feedback Analysis
The options/ features available for entry in each of the above modules are stated below.
Questionnaire Form
Upload Data
Feedback Entry
Feedback Form
Send Feedback Link
Feedback Analysis
Special Features/Advantages
- User access control for Add, Edit & Delete separately
- Reports - Printer Friendly and Exportable to Pdf, Excel etc
- Integrated with Sms/Email
- Mobile, Tablet and Desktop friendly responsive web design
- Analytical Statics Dashboard
(IPR of Iterate India Private Limited)
On-Premise Hosting
- Unlimited Transactions are allowed
- License is only sold for On-Premise
- The license fee is a one time license fee for the product
- This product license is sold client based per computer web server
- Annual Maintenance Contract is available for annual support
- The warranty is for 6 months from the date of sale
- The product supports up to 100 users depending upon the client hardware infrastructure and the database and other supporting software (Windows) etc procured and installed by the client on their server
- One time setup charges
- Cloud hosting usage subscription for 6 months in advance
- Access of Software on cloud and no sale of Software
- Licensing is per location / per user based
- Unlimited Transaction are allowed
- License is not sold
- Monthly data download option
- Data on cloud in stored as per Govt. of India procedure
Product Support
Iterate provides Support on this product through:-
- Installation Training at the time of installation of the software.
- Remote Login Support from IIPL Office.
- Email/ NetChat and telephonic interaction.
- On Site visit support (at client request).
- Handholding training and support (at client request).
(All Support during office working day and office timing of Iterate.)