Dealer Management System

32 years experience in the automobile industry, with credits of implementing our workshop software at more than 3000 automobile service workshops and garages in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Nigeria, and years of extensive and onground experience in Automobile Workshop, our team is geared up to take any challenge in this sector.


AutoControl Service


Club Management System


Dealer Management System


Instant Feedback Online Card

SMS Engine

Short Message Service Engine


Sales and Service of Heavy & Light Equipment


Vehicle Tracking


University ERP Software


Student Admission and Management


Real Estate Business Management Software


Warehouse Store Inventory


Iterate has developed Dealer Management System (DMS) under the name AutoControl. It automates all day to day activities of automobile distributorship/dealership and is an advanced software suite comprising of Presales and sales & Service and Spares module. It has two different modules.

Pre Sales and Sales Management System

It contains everything you need for professionally managed Pre sales and Sales environment, no matter the number of enquiries generated, booking made or vehicles you sell. It is capturing the information pertaining with whole sale car order, procurement of vehicle, prospective customer (Individual / Corporate) enquiry details (Follow up details, Test Drive details, and Home Visit details), vehicle retail sale order and vehicle sell etc.

Service and Spare Parts Management System

It is another comprehensive module designed to manage day to day activities of automobile workshop for vehicle service and parts management. The service module takes care about the job card opening to billing. In CRM activity, this module provides tried and trusted Service Reminders, Post Service Follow up activity etc. Parts management from procurement of parts till sale and its stock maintenance is an extensive feature of this software.


Our product AutoControl software will surely define a simple path to manage the corner to corner activities of your entire automobile distributorship / dealership. It is one of the best state or art products available in market for small automobile distributorship / dealership to larger one. It is very very user friendly in utilization / operation and very powerful in decision making. It comprises of 4 modules – Sales, Service, Spare and CRM. These modules are designed in such a manner so that, all the 4 modules are integrated as well as independent. Depending upon your business requirement and need you may procure the same. Basis your final requirement, we shall be able to provide you with the cost for the software.

Pre Sales and Sales Management System

The Pre Sales and Sales Management module provides several benefits for purchase and sales departments like communication with internal & external customers, increased work efficiency, improved profitability and productivity. The aforesaid benefits will be seen immediately just after implementation of module. This module designed in such a manner so that each and every bit level information is being captured pertaining with customer enquiry till their conversion to sale. MIS reports available will be informative to the management on the segment wise enquiry and sales. Enquiries can be effectively tracked & followed up till they are converted into sale or lost to competition. Entering of purchase and sale of vehicles will help manage vehicle stock position through the system. Test Drive against enquiry can also be managed through the system. Vehicle pricing and certain fixed information can be defined in the master module with limited access to users, thus securing master information. Activities are managed through different available screens, which are as follows:
  • Reception Desk
  • Basic (Enquiry / Conversion to Billing)
  • Price details
  • Follow-up details
  • Quotation Printing
  • Enquiry Follow-up Updation
  • Enquiry Allotment Module
  • Vehicle Order Booking
  • Reservation of Vehicle (allotment
  • Invoice Generation
  • Enquiry Closure screen
  • Sales Documents
  • Receipts
  • Vehicle Purchase Order
  • Vehicle Delivery Intimation
  • Vehicle Receipt Entry
  • Stock Transfer to Branch
  • Stock Receipt
  • Target Setting / Target Vs Achievement


  • After Service Contact
  • Service Sales Contact
  • Customer Complaint

Service Module

Vehicle service activities and parts management can be effectively managed through this module. Post service customer care activities are also available as a part of vehicle service module, which will enable the outlet in building a close relationship with their customer. Following forms will be available to process information pertaining to service and repair of vehicles.
  • Vehicle Service Booking (Vehicle Booking
  • Job Card Estimate
  • Job Card Opening
  • Job Card Item Details
  • Job Card Item Return Slip
  • Job Cards Labor Details
  • Job Bill Preparation
  • Warranty Parts Claim Checklist

Parts Module

  • Customer Purchase Order
  • Picking List
  • Dispatch Advice
  • Dispatch Advice Return
  • Stock Transfer to Branch
  • Stock Adjustment Notes
  • Reorder Calculation
  • Purchase Order
  • Stock Receipt from Branch
  • Material Receipt
  • Purchase Return

Special Features/Advantages

(IPR of Iterate India Private Limited)

On-Premise Hosting


Product Support

Iterate provides Support on this product through:-

(All Support during office working day and office timing of Iterate.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Licensing or hosting one time or recurring annual?

Answer: One time purchase and annual hosting.

Feature upgrade will be provided or not?

Answer: Yes, provided the product is under AMC.

Whether product can be customized?

Answer: Customization is not applicable. However it may be considered case to case basis.

How Dealer Management System will help the dealers?

Answer: When the dealers lose the sales prospects, there is no proper organized appointment system, the dealers find a way to manage their finance, accounts and credit easily and organization is having difficulty staying up-to-date on the inventory.

Can it be hosted on cloud?

Answer: Yes.

Can it be hosted on Linux?

Answer: No, It can be hosted only on windows server. It can be run from only client OS.

Will you migrate our existing data?

Answer: Master data like vehicle or customer, parts, items can be migrated. Customer will need to provide the data in fixed templates to migrate the master data. Transaction data like jobs, history, bills, purchases and order etc will not be migrated.

Will you provide the application training?

Answer: Yes, training will be provided at the time of installation. We will also provide group trainings for new staff.

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Iterate India Private Limited
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